Smart City Maturity Evaluation Model specific to our country has been prepared to ensure that smart city projects and activities are compatible with the National Smart City Strategy and Action Plan and to provide a common language and a systematic structure in the evaluation and verification of the effect of the strategy.

With the prepared Smart City Maturity Evaluation Model, the smart city capabilities of a city are evaluated, this level is determined and suggestions are made to improve the maturity level. Thus, it is aimed to contribute to the smart city transformation of institutions in a structural, standard, consistent, effective, and efficient manner with the maturity assessment model.

As part of the activity of measuring the maturity of our cities, interviews will be held with all stakeholders and the competencies of our cities regarding smart city applications will be determined. Thus, a smart city index will be created and the maturity levels of cities can be compared by using the Smart City Maturity Evaluation Model.

Some of the benefits targeted by the Smart City Maturity Assessment Model are as follows:

  • The smart city maturity level of the cities will be measured with a common, systematic, and Türkiye-specific structure.

  • Smart city awareness will be increased and smart city transformation will be facilitated.

  • Türkiye’s competency in the field of smart city measurement studies will increase and the infrastructure for obtaining positive results in international measurement studies will be created.

  • It will contribute to the effective use of resources.

  • With the sharing of experience in Smart City transformation, local governments will be able to comprehend and adopt Smart City Applications.

  • Guidance will be provided for cities to improve their determined maturity levels.

  • The creation of a common mind in the field of Smart Cities will be supported.

  • It will be ensured that the knowledge and experience gained through intercity guidance will be spread.

  • The contribution will be made to the provision of urban services in a qualified manner.

There are indices in the world that allow evaluating different cities together independently of countries and using maturity assessment models related to smart cities. Examples of these are ITU Smart and Sustainable Cities Building Model, UNECE-ITU Smart and Sustainable City Indicators, Morgenstadt Framework Model, Smart Cities Council, European Union – European Smart City Ranking Model for Medium-Sized Cities, European Commission – Cultural and Creative City Monitoring Model. PAS 181 and ISO 37120 are international standards in the field of smart cities.

In this direction, the Smart City Maturity Evaluation Model was created in order to systematically guide smart city studies in Türkiye, and it was ensured that the model was specific to Türkiye in a structure suitable for the country’s conditions. The Model created is also compatible with the current policies of the country and takes into account the resources and experiences related to international examples.

In the process of determining the Smart City Maturity Assessment Model structure, mainly ISO 37120, PAS 181, Morgenstadt Framework Model, and ITU Smart and Sustainable Cities Building Model resources were used. Similar to the key action areas in the Morgenstadt Framework Model, the Activity Area dimension has been defined to represent the whole of the activities carried out regarding the Smart City transformation. In addition to the size of the activity area included in the model, status and impact display through performance indicators has been adopted in order to reveal the current state of the city and the effect to be obtained as a result of the activities carried out. In the Morgenstadt Framework Model, an evaluation and demonstration are made by establishing relationships with key fields of activity through performance indicators. Pressure, situation, and impact classes are used in the classification for performance indicators. It was deemed appropriate to add condition and impact classes from the indicator classification structure in Morgenstadt to the model.

In this direction, the Smart City Maturity Evaluation Model was created in the form of displaying the smart city transformation through status indicators, readiness in the fields of activity in competence-component-ability breakdown, and displaying the impact of smart city studies on the city through impact indicators:

General Structure of the Smart City Maturity Assessment Model

The terminology expressed in the general structure of the Smart City Maturity Assessment Model is as follows:

  • Situation consists of indicators that determine the current state of the city that concerns the smart city transformation.

  • Field of Activity consists of activities related to smart city transformation.

  • Impact consists of indicators that determine the impact of smart city studies on the city.

In the Smart City Maturity Evaluation Model, components and capabilities have been determined under competencies as a structure in the scope of activity. Capability is the skills that cities will need/need or acquire/will acquire through smart city studies in order to carry out smart city studies for a specific purpose. Components are groups of capabilities that serve the same value. Competence, on the other hand, is a group consisting of components on the basis of sectoral, expertise, or service areas. Each competency in the field of smart cities is a whole in itself and can be considered separately in the evaluations.

The competencies and components to be used for the cities to be evaluated in the field of smart cities are defined as follows within the scope of the Smart City Maturity Assessment Model:

Smart City Maturity Assessment Model Competencies – Overview

Smart City Applications Competence

The components and capabilities determined in the sectoral and expertise breakdown within the scope of Smart City Applications Competence are shown below.

<p style=”text-align: center;”>Smart City Maturity Assessment Model – Smart City Applications Competence </p>

Pilot Application of the ‘Smart City Maturity Assessment Model’

Pilot studies were conducted in Istanbul-Beyoğlu and Konya-Selçuklu Districts within the scope of the Smart City Maturity Evaluation Model. Interviews were held with representatives of local stakeholder institutions within the framework of smart city components. By evaluating the measurement results in the prepared reports, solution suggestions were developed together.